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Tole temo si sposojam z mx5.com foruma, ker je res uporabna, vsak od nas kaj pobrklja po avtu in prav pride.

Da za?nem.


zamenjal filter nafte, napeljal kable za woofer :hudicek: , preveril olje :P

opral je ?e ne bom, ker se je svinjarija ?e konzervirala na pleh


evo v pomo? ostalim

2005 Mazda 6 Car Radio Wiring Diagram

Radio Constant 12V+ Wire: Blue/Red

Radio Switched Ignition 12V+ Wire: Orange

Radio Ground Wire: Black/Orange or Black/Yellow

Radio Illumination Dimmer Wire: Light Green/Red

Radio Antenna Trigger Wire: N/A

Radio Amplifier Turn On Wire: Blue/Black

Front Speaker Size: N/A

Front Speaker Location: N/A

Left Front Speaker Wire (+): Red

Left Front Speaker Wire (-): White

Right Front Speaker Wire (+): Blue

Right Front Speaker Wire (-): Yellow

Rear Speaker Size: N/A

Rear Speaker Location: N/A

Left Rear Speaker Wire (+): Purple

Left Rear Speaker Wire (-): Pink

Right Rear Speaker Wire (+): White/Blue

Right Rear Speaker Wire (-): Black/Blue


ter dodatna pomo?

12volts black (40A), black/yel (30A) + ignition harness

Starter black/blue + ignition harness

Second Starter N/A

Ignition blue + ignition harness

Second Ignition N/A

Third Ignition N/A

Accessory black/red + ignition harness

Second Accessory black/white + ignition harness

Keysense white/blue + ignition harness

Notes: Using the status output from the remote start to trigger this wire will disarm the factory alarm without unlocking the doors.

Power Lock lt. green - driver kick or door lock module

Notes: Lock is negative trigger thru a 1000 ohm resistor. Unlock is a straight negative trigger. MUST use relays.


The door lock control module is located above the passenger kick panel.

Power Unlock same as power lock wire

Lock Motor red/blue 5wi driver kick or door lock module

Notes: The door lock control module is located above the passenger kick panel.

Unlock Motor red/green 5wi driver kick or door lock module

Notes: The door lock control module is located above the passenger kick panel.

Parking Lights+ lt. green/black + driver kick, 14 pin plug

Parking Lights- red/white - headlight switch

Hazards blue/orange - switch or door lock module

Notes: The door lock control module is located above the passenger kick panel.

Turn Signal(L) white/black + turn signal switch

Turn Signal® white/red + turn signal switch

Reverse Light red/yellow + driver kick, 14 pin plug

Door Trigger green/orange - driver kick or door lock module

Notes: The door lock control module is located above the passenger kick panel.

Dome Supervision yellow/black - driver kick or door lock module

Notes: The door lock control module is located above the passenger kick panel.

Trunk/Hatch Pin brown - driver kick or door lock module

Notes: The door lock control module is located above the passenger kick panel.

Hood Pin gray/red - pin switch or theft module

Notes: The theft-deterrent control module is located in the center console.

Trunk/Hatch Release yellow - switch or door lock module

Notes: The door lock control module is located above the passenger kick panel.

Power Sliding Door N/A

Factory Alarm Arm blue - driver kick or door lock module

Notes: Arm is negative trigger thru a 1000 ohm resistor. Disarm is a straight negative trigger. MUST use relays.


The door lock control module is located above the passenger kick panel.

Factory Alarm Disarm same as factory alarm arm wire

Disarm No Unlock use key sense wire

Tachometer NOT blk/wht or grn/stripe ac any ignition coil or coil pack

Notes: On the 4 cyl models use the wire that is NOT black/white. On the 6 cyl models use the wire that is NOT green/stripe.

Wait to start N/A

Brake Wire green/yellow + brake pedal switch

Parking Brake brown - parking brake switch

Horn Trigger purple/white - switch or door lock module

Notes: The door lock control module is located above the passenger kick panel.

Memory Seat 1 N/A

Memory Seat 2 N/A

Memory Seat 3 N/A

Interface Module: Category:

Immobilizer Bypass Required:

Yes Type:


Part #: 1100F

Alternate Part1 #: 556UW

Alternate Part2 #: DesignTech 20402

Alternate Part3 #: DesignTech 29402

Notes: Standard on all models.

Interface Module: Category:

Door Lock Interface Required:

Yes Type:


Part #: 456LW


Smart Starter Kill Relays: Relay Type:

Starter Relay Location:

Engine compartment fusebox, Driver side

Part #: 6403A


this is for a 2005 but it should be the same.


Radio: Radio 12v



radio harness



Radio Ground black/orange or black/yellow - radio harness

Radio Ignition orange + radio harness

Radio Illumination lt. green/red + radio harness

Factory Amp Turn-on blue/black + radio harness

Power Antenna N/A

LF Speaker +/- red - white +,- radio harness or amp under pass seat

RF Speaker +/- blue - yellow +,- radio harness or amp under pass seat

LR Speaker +/- purple - pink +,- radio harness or amp under pass seat

RR Speaker +/- white/blue - black/blue +,- radio harness or amp under pass seat

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Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico

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Kaj sem danes naredil na moji Mazdi? Iz kasona sem stovoril tono hlevskega gnoja, odpel prikolico (na kateri je bilo ?e ?eststo kg hlevskega gnoja) in jo odpeljal z njive, da ni "vsa osrana", ker smo razmetavali gnoj. Nato sem ji nato?il ?e 40 litrov nafte. Zdaj, po kosilu, jo peljem ?e na sprehod v kamnolom.

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Danes marsikaj, za za?etek sem zamenjal una vodila ki povezujejo sprednje brisalce z motro?kom (hvala za vodila Canyon ;)) Potem sem se lotil malo bolj ekstremne zimske obleke, stylish sprednji odbija? sem zamenjal z serijskim (na katerega sem predhodno zmetal 5kg kita) v ?prickitu. Na odbija? sem montiral tudi meglenke, od katerih ena ni imela nosilca, tako da sm z nekaj truda in veliko improvizacije zrihtal ?e homemade nosilce :) Sicer pa mi ?asovno ni znesl sestavit sprednjega dela ker sem moral ob 6ih nekam letel.. Z o?etovo 6ko :P

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?estica leti? Koliko prostora pa potrebuje za vzlet?


Ne boste verjeli, kaj se mi je danes zgodilo. No, moji Mazdi. Pri?el je mo?akar iz vasi in me prosil, ?e lahko opere mojo Mazdo. Malo takih sova??anov. Da bi se to ?e ve?krat zgodilo.



Pere jo pa zato, ker bi rad, da mu prepeljem nekaj govedine (okoli 750 kg). Se je zeznil, pa je govedino razkosal, preden jo je spravil domov...

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Pred jutrisnjo novo sluzbeno potjo sem jo hotel spucati, ko sem umaknil stolcka zadaj sem hitro obupal, se vec sel sem po gadore 12 in odsravfal zadnjo klop in sel v avtopralnico. Tam sem prosil da spucajo na in pod klopjo.


Ni problem gospod, samo tole bo pa extra za doplacat, ker moramo kemicno scistiti....(Kinder, palcke, cips, marmeladni krof, kruh....)

Naj omenim mivko z elbe?

Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico

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Pred jutrisnjo novo sluzbeno potjo sem jo hotel spucati, ko sem umaknil stolcka zadaj sem hitro obupal, se vec sel sem po gadore 12 in odsravfal zadnjo klop in sel v avtopralnico. Tam sem prosil da spucajo na in pod klopjo.


Ni problem gospod, samo tole bo pa extra za doplacat, ker moramo kemicno scistiti....(Kinder, palcke, cips, marmeladni krof, kruh....)

Naj omenim mivko z elbe?


Zakaj si dela? delo, zadnji sede? se samo sname, razen ?e ma karavan druga?no izvdebo. :ne vem:

Kolega švaba mi je zadnjič rekel, ko sva se malo zapeljala z MPS.


"Life is too short, to drive slow-shitty cars."

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Zakaj si dela? delo, zadnji sede? se samo sname, razen ?e ma karavan druga?no izvdebo. :ne vem:


Ni tako kot v cx7 ko samo sunes gor, fiksne noge ima z M12


To je zarad navora da ne populi vsega a ves, tako kot tvoja zadnja naslonjala

Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico

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Ni tako kot v cx7 ko samo sunes gor, fiksne noge ima z M12


To je zarad navora da ne populi vsega a ves, tako kot tvoja zadnja naslonjala


Naslonjala so pri vseh pri?raufana, samo pri meni so za vedno. :blush:

Kolega švaba mi je zadnjič rekel, ko sva se malo zapeljala z MPS.


"Life is too short, to drive slow-shitty cars."

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Mazda se sveti, ?eprav so ji pasale grafitne feltne :bravo: Danes ?e vuf vuf priklopim, ki sem ga zamudil, je listek v kaslcu... <_<


Da mi MX5 ne zameri - zvozil malo avto ter napumpal gume, po 3h mesecih spanja pali in gas :bravo: le ob preklopu na plin je malo rabla da se zbudi

Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico

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Mazda se sveti, ?eprav so ji pasale grafitne feltne :bravo: Danes ?e vuf vuf priklopim, ki sem ga zamudil, je listek v kaslcu... <_<


Da mi MX5 ne zameri - zvozil malo avto ter napumpal gume, po 3h mesecih spanja pali in gas :bravo: le ob preklopu na plin je malo rabla da se zbudi


?e ma? cajt plet po Webasto nalepke.

Kolega švaba mi je zadnjič rekel, ko sva se malo zapeljala z MPS.


"Life is too short, to drive slow-shitty cars."

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?e ma? cajt plet po Webasto nalepke.


je ?ansa ja sam grem jutr za Be?, mam polno (pa brez igo8 sem sem ugotovil, HTC ?el... :( )

Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico

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woofer montiran, zelo lepo 'diha' pa je ful manj?i od pri?akovanega :bravo:

Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico

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?estica leti? Koliko prostora pa potrebuje za vzlet?


Hehe, v primerjavi z mojo (65kw vs 100kw), kr fajn leti :P



Druga?e pa sem u?eraj sestavil do konca sprednji del, ter dokon?al in namontiral sprednji strut bar, komplet rostfraj, komplet doma narje. Treba edin ?e malo zbrusit vare, ter pobarvat :D

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